Theory Therapy 75: 320

Softly-spun ambient from New York and Public Records affiliate 320

How are you today?

I’m well - having a quiet weekend after an admittedly hedonistic run of nights (and days) out this Winter. Bedroom introspection is getting old.

What was the last song you listened to?

In a non-digging context, Slowmotion by Fatshaudi.

Where’s your favourite place to listen to music?

Commuting. It’s a limited part of my day when I can listen intentionally with no distractions. I used to have a car and would drive nowhere just to listen to music. Now that I live in New York, I don’t like talking on the train because that “alone” time is so valuable to me.

What’s the best music discovery you’ve made recently?

The Japanese label Club STOMP

Is there an artist or album you listen to a lot we might not expect based on your mixes? 

I love psychedelic techno and bass music. It doesn’t really fit in my library, but it’s always a treat to rip it as a DJ or dancer when I get the chance.

Can you tell us a little about your Theory Therapy mix? What were you feeling when you made it? Where did you record it?

This mix was inspired by a trip I took to visit my friends Adrián and Sanjin at their new home in Fuerteventura. The trip came at a particularly challenging time for me emotionally and, in the best way, wasn’t really a vacation of leisure either. The air was dusty, and most of the land was barren rocks, but there were also the most beautiful views and beaches you’ll ever see. In this mix, I wanted to convey the desolate beauty and hopeful solitude I felt while there.

Where would you recommend listening to it?

In your room, with a friend or not. Or outside at night below the stars.

Theory Therapy mixes are about sharing the music that you personally find therapeutic, cathartic or restorative. What does that mean for you?

I’m a deep- and over-thinker. I DJ a lot in my room to work through whatever thoughts and emotions I’m feeling. It’s been interesting to reflect on what kind of music I gravitate toward relative to what’s happening in my life. I always find mental clarity and peace when I’m done.

Is there a particular album or piece of music that you find yourself returning to for similar reasons? 

Yana Pavlova’s and Pavel Milyakov’s Blue

Tell us something exciting that's coming up in your life, music or otherwise.

My friend Noa and I are hosting our ambient event series Ballet at Nowadays on March 13 in collaboration with Conditioner. We have Torus and Significant Other coming from Europe to play alongside some NY-based live artists/DJs. Should be fab. Otherwise, I'm hoping to take a trip abroad this Summer, maybe to Berlin for the first time.


  1. Pavel Milyakov, Yana Pavlova - strong-willed

  2. Intertoto - Couchlock HEX

  3. Box5ive - Sour Kiss

  4. Aphex Twin - #3

  5. umami - infinite infinitesimal

  6. Belong - I'm Too Sleepy...Shall We Swim?

  7. Leif - Low D

  8. Other Joe - I Run This City

  9. Packed Rich ft. Marco Zenker - Arrival / Will We Stay The Same?

  10. upsammy - The Guest

  11. SnP 500 - Dus

  12. CHANTSSSS - lotus drips

  13. Mistareez - Trust Is A Response

  14. Victor Bongiovanni - No God

  15. Tristan Arp - invisible cities

  16. h hunt - pêche (sketches)

  17. Seahawks - Time Enough For Love (Purelink Mix)

  18. Ike Zwanikken - Cain

  19. Iloh - Ophrys