Low End Theorists is an audio journal based in Sydney, Australia, and home to the Theory Therapy label and mix series.

Theory Therapy 33: Low Flung

Theory Therapy 33: Low Flung

A mix made in the heart of the Australian summer.

The first Theory Therapy mix of 2022 comes courtesy of one of Patrin and I’s favourite artists. Low Flung is the primary moniker of Sydney/Eora producer Danny Wild, someone you’re probably already very familiar with, most likely through one of their many, many great releases—of which we’ve played a lot—or maybe as the Moontown Records label head.

Danny’s music has soundtracked so much of my life since I moved to Sydney that the two have become synonymous—nowhere was that more true than on last year’s The landscape has become a bed. Their mix contains the same signature warmth and attention to detail that their releases do, no matter what sound they’re exploring, and perfectly encapsulates the strange beauty of an incredibly warm summer’s day in Sydney. “I was feeling the heat of the pavement and the constant rain from La Niña,” they tell me. “Humidity. Focus deteriorates as the cycles of life and isolation continue. Trying to find a patch of comfort in the unknown.”

How are you today?

I am doing ok. Things are really tough right now globally. There are big shifts and divides happening everywhere. Part of me remains hopeful that this time will be a catalyst for real change, not just signalling. 

What was the last song you listened to?

‘Sleep’ by Midnight Oil.

What is your favourite place or time to listen to music?

I like listening to music while driving on the highway. Something really satisfying about listening to music really loud on the open road traveling at 110kph.

What do you like about living in Sydney?

The climate is pretty ideal all year round. There is a potent and unsettling energy that contrasts the immense beauty of a city with amazing beaches. The energy is intense, old money and easy going lifestyles drift around while half of the city struggles to make ends. Venues closing and opportunities are sparse. Driving from the deep west to the eastern suburbs is like traveling through multiple countries in a matter of hours.   

Where’d be your ideal place to play live?

In the middle of the ocean, underwater. 

Can you tell us a little about the mix? What were you feeling when you made it? 

I was feeling the heat of the pavement and the constant rain from La Niña. Humidity. Focus deteriorates as the cycles of life and isolation continue. Trying to find a patch of comfort in the unknown. 

Where did you record the mix?

The mix was made at the Campsie Centre For Electronic Music Research. 

Where would you recommend listening to it?

If you can give yourself the time, anywhere would work.  

Are there any tracks you’ve used in the mix that are special or significant to you?

All the tracks in the mix are close to me, some have had years of enjoyment while others are new but evoke a similar feeling of comfort.

Theory Therapy mixes are about sharing the music that you personally find therapeutic, cathartic or restorative. What does that mean for you?

For me those moods are often associated with distraction. Time to focus on something with no distractions is hard and if a certain piece of music or video game can allow that, great. We are collectively moving into a world that is completely unsustainable. It’s good to slow down and give yourself time and a break wherever possible.  

Is there a particular album or piece of music that you find yourself returning to for similar reasons?

I listen to the Boomgates album Double Natural flat out. Something about it really speaks to me at this point in my life. A true supergroup done right. It’s like comfort food to me, I know all the words and all the instrumentation inside out. That is a really nice feeling.

What’s on the cards so far for 2022?

This year I am much more focused on skillshare and making electronic music more accessible and fun for people new to the space. I have started a Patreon and a Discord server for these things. Creating music and visual art is something I will always be doing, so those things will continue in whatever capacity seems appropriate. There are some gigs lined up, but I honestly don't even know if I will be able to play them.


  1. Paul Snell - Come Monday

  2. Blue Divers - Bending

  3. The Garbage and The Flowers - Love Comes Slowly Now

  4. Loren Connors - Onora’s Kid

  5. Korea Undok Group - Breakfast In Bed

  6. Francis Plagne - XI

  7. Sweet Whirl - Half Moon

  8. Kallista Kult - Vines Forum

  9. Sandpit Alias - Gawl Mountain

  10. Club Sound Witches - A2 (BDTD269)

  11. Basic Channel - Mutism

  12. Tolerance - Pulse Static (Tranqillia)

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Theory Therapy 34: Concave Reflection

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